Regular Hours: Tues/Thurs/Fri 9am-2pm
As of 1 April, Simon & Jenny from Crafty Cuisine will be taking over
Le Café, Civray with a new name, new menu, new look!
Find out more on their website: www.craftycuisine.fr
Ouvert les mardis/jeudis/vendredis 9h-14h
UPDATE: 4 March 2025
As of 1 April, Simon & Jenny from Crafty Cuisine will be taking over from us. Find out more on their website: www.craftycuisine.fr
Support Group for Carers of Alzheimer's/Dementia: next meeting TBD
Please note our current hours:
Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 9am-2pm
Wednesday-Baking Classes
Veuillez noter nos horaires:
Ouvert mardi/jeudi/vendredi de 9h à 14h
Les mercredis-cours du pain
Les Horaires
mardi/jeudi/vendredi 9h-14h
mercredi-cours du pain